Edwards Lifesciences - Carpentier-Edwards Classic annuloplasty mitral and tricuspid rings

MRI Safety information for:

Carpentier-Edwards Classic annuloplasty mitral and tricuspid rings


Edwards Lifesciences

annuloplasty mitral and tricuspid rings

Testing of these devices in a magnetic field of 1.5 tesla has shown that these devices are safe and compatible during MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) procedures. Rings have titanium alloy cores.

Carpentier-Edwards annuloplasty rings, Models 4400 and 4500, marketed from 1980 to 1983, were made of stainless steel. Therefore we are unable to advise on the safety of MR procedures for patients with these particular annuloplasty rings. These older rings were labeled with lot numbers (not serial numbers) that had the
following format: 1C005 (i.e., where the first character was numeric, the second character was a letter from A to L and the last three or four characters were numeric).